An open letter to the world anime industry about PIRACY

An open letter to the world anime industry about PIRACY

Making a sore throat This way of streaming hard anime online for anime studios, websites and businesses is convenient and valuable for world anime fans and creators. Internationally.

I have a reason you have to rely on Crunchyroll and Funimation to stream anime online, but we all know more anime fans use pirate sites worldwide than Funimation and Crunchyroll combined.

Yes, and I am F’in the nuisance that gave birth to your worst enemies online:

  • Kiss Anime
  • 9anime.

So much so that it makes you sick to your stomach, and yet there is nothing you can do about it because you have created this problem. Same problem for reasons you don’t own (so you can’t solve it).

This is the same problem you decided to cause for pirates because you are so incompetent, lazy, conventional, and comfortable to get your fingers out of your bomb and really do something about it.

So why do you spend more time following the pirates than working on the root cause?

I know those last sentences were a mouthful, but you must swallow them anyway because you have bad problems digesting them.

Let me focus on a few facts to get my point across.

1. Services in the world anime industry are a load of bulls

Have you ever heard of a man named Gabe Navel? In 2011, he mentioned piracy

“Theft is a service problem.”

Simple, right? But then he went on to say:

“We think there is a fundamental misconception about theft. Pirates are often a service problem and not a pricing problem. 

Suppose a pirate offers a product anywhere in the world. In that case, 2xx, buyable from the convenience of your personal computer, and the legal provider says the product area is locked, the US will come to your country months after the release and can only buy at a brick and mortar store.

 Do, then the service of the pirate is more valuable. – Gabe Navel

Gabe Newell has nothing to do with the world anime industry … but that’s the point.

His point about theft (me, basically) is a perfect description of why I exist despite the industry.

So I am sitting in my high chair with legs like the King of Hiram; I can’t help but laugh at your kind attempt to stop piracy online.

I’m talking about kind efforts like this.

Do you seriously believe that ’emergency measures’ prevent pirates I create from illegally streaming animation?

What do you think is the best way to end piracy altogether?

Are you crazy, Senpai?

Allow me to blow my mind for a second. The reason piracy exists is because the service is BS.

Nothing else, nothing less. And yes, I just used the word B. I’m a maritime minister, so it’s controversial how to debate.

But let’s get back to that point:

  • Theft block is a short-term solution and does not work.
  • Shutting down pirate websites does not solve the long-term issue of anime theft.
  • My favorite parrots can upload and stream animations faster than the worldwide Goku ‘Ka-me-ha-me-ha!’ Can say
    • It means you’re fighting a losing battle and focused on the wrong things.
  • In sports, if the football team is playing defense, eventually they will lose. Why? Because a strong offense will always crush with the timing of a powerful defense.
    • The world anime industry is doing the same thing. Defending
    • Instead of trying to ‘defend’ yourself, you should focus on how to ‘succeed.’ Because it solves everything.

Do I understand why I exist now?

Your laziness and sh ** service have made me stronger, faster, and more dangerous over the years.

The only reason I exist is that anime fans agree the service is the best. And BS is the worst.

For example:

  • In India, the UK, and other countries, ‘this anime is not available in your country is the common message that appears on streaming sites.
  • Anime, manga, and accessories are also ‘off the field’ due to your lack of old business practices and inventions.

You have a problem (Trippi service) for them to go from bad to worse; you refuse to change, adapt or grow with time.

And as punishment, my pirates and I are raising our middle fingers in the animation industry. Feeling sorry for the situation working together is happening inside the animators.

Yes, I am also capable of paresis, empathy, and compassion. But it takes more than empathy and compassion to solve this problem.

So you have to take this seriously, or else the future of the world anime industry will look like a scary scene out of nowhere when they cry.

2. Piracy exists greatly because you are not focusing on things that do not matter.

According to samanavebaka, monthly namesake 100M – 1M0M + visitors are anywhere between. Having several ‘legal’ streaming sites can only dream.

And all those visitors see the kissing anime in no time, unlike Crunchyroll.

Isn’t it ironic that so many people watch animation illegally where they are legal, by so many margins?

And that’s just a pirate site. I have so many pirates all over the internet, their dialects.

Here’s the most important point: the anime industry still spends money on DVDs, even though DVDs lose money annually.

And this is nothing new. DVD’S is generally losing money from 2005-2007. And the world anime industry is no better than any other.

If we look at the data from 2015 to 201, we can see that the money for anime DVDs is still missing.

That means you’re wasting money on products no one cares about in the 21st century. Praying and hoping, even if the reality makes you smile, it ‘works out.

And yet you still dare to complain about the financial loss I have … Anyway, you’re happily spending DVD money that basically puts you in debt on an annual basis.

Don’t you think that you can make the best use of your time by focusing on solving big issues and getting more money at a faster rate?

To understand that this is not rocket science, online business is the most scalable type of business model to live in the history of mankind. But that’s not all.

If you did your job right and got rid of me, and the anime world was always available 27/7 without any restrictions, you could become the next Bill Gates of the world anime industry.

And more importantly: anime fans, studios, animators, and licensees will all be happy. Because everyone wins, fans get the price they want, and everyone makes more money.

But it’s not going to happen (not even close) if you spend your time chasing pirates and playing defense.

You can only get bumps in the face unless you have to fight back. Defending is one thing, but you must go through an efficient and effective offensive process.

But if you want to continue playing defense, that’s fine too.

And if you want to stay focused on nonsense, that’s better for me.

I’m just uploading animations for free and for industry abuse; in the same way, you’re turning pans back and giving them something they don’t want.

Is it too hard for you? Good because this is the harsh reality facing the world anime industry.

Anime’s cover: The new game may sound cute, but the behind-the-scenes industry looks slightly different from ‘Kawaii.’

And resting on your laurels (pointing the finger at someone other than yourself) is a promising way to improve piracy and the industry.

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