Anime industry, Interesting 9 big predictions in 2022

Anime industry, Interesting 9 big predictions in 2022

The anime industry has gone through so many changes over the last decade. And many of those changes are due to the Internet and technology.

1. Anime publishers will begin to take online streaming seriously

Today is January 1, 2017. And yet, there are still anime publishers and companies unwilling to accept the facts. Because they are still living in the past.

Those are the facts ….

  • The online stream will grow.
  • Online streaming is not going away (whether legal or illegal).
  • Video is a growing platform.
  • And the Internet will grow on an annual basis.

This means fewer and fewer anime fans will buy animated DVDs or watch anime via TV.

Why is it convenient to watch it online when in your time?

Convenience. And the price of Streamy is more attractive to fans anyway.

I predict publishers will know this is deep and take online streaming more seriously. And accept the fact that the Internet (and online streaming) is the future.

2. A Punch Man season 2 outsells season 1

Sounds clear, right? Not really. Not every brand new series is out of the original.

And even worse, a few suggestions in no way get a 2d season because they don't promote enough.

A Punch Man is a kind of anime show.

Most of the experiences it gives you are like Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, etc., and it has a very large audience.

I would be surprised if a Punch Man's second season doesn't outsell the first season.

3. A new Dragon Ball Z video game will be announced, based on Dragon Ball Super

Only a fool denies the success of Dragon Ball Super so far.

Sure, it's not like DBZ, as some might say, but when 'Dragon Ball' is brought up in conversation, DB Super is usually the topic.

And while you Google the words `Dragon Ball`, it immediately brings up `DB Super.

See for yourself

I don't see creators announcing video games in 2017-2017. Only time will tell.

Ice. Yuri on Ice will set a new trend for the anime industry

I haven't seen the whole series. But I can already tell you how big it looks after this huge show.

Anyway, wherever I look, all I see is 'Yuri' this and 'Yuri' that. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter यस्तै and so on.

Personally, I think its creators have the power to create anime with Yuri, two male homosexual characters on Ice. Who appears to kiss, and so on.

And it is for this reason that I believe Ice in Yuri sets a new trend for the anime industry.

Yuri on Ice has drawn it as a real supporter, without the hatred and criticism some people have given it.

This makes the 'homosexual' boy in the anime more acceptable from an industry and consumer point of view.

5. YouTube's potential to become an alternative to anime streaming sites

YouTube Red was launched in 2015. Subscription service that costs भिडियो 10 per month for original video content.

I can't say how many anime publishers use YouTube Red, but it may be relevant in 2017-2017. This way, it's approximate to the maximum delusional time of the year.

It's only available in a few countries, but I think YouTube will expand to more countries this year.

6. Anime DVD sales continue to decline worldwide

When was the last time you saw one of these discs? If you were born between '0's and early 2000s, you probably never did an anime DVD.

Neither do I.

The point is – anime DVDs are very expensive and inconvenient.

If you can watch anime online for free or cheap, it doesn't make sense to want a DVD. It hurts more than it deserves.

For this reason (and others), sales of anime DVDs will continue to decline.

And before you know it, few people, especially the younger generation, will ever buy or own an anime Blu-ray or DVD disc.

7. The value of the anime industry will be (¥) 2 trillion yen

Back in 2014, the total value of the anime industry (¥) was 1.633 trillion yen. Or .. 1.5.5 billion.

I predict that in 2017-2017 it will reach the milestone of (¥) 2 trillion yen worldwide.

8. The manga industry will be overtaken by the anime industry

My argument for this prediction?

  • In 201, internet0% of internet traffic will be video. And that's not all.
  • By that time, millions of people will have internet access.
  • Maggie's print books are in decline. As is the whole print book industry.
  • And more people are watching videos than reading books. Online or offline. Because it's easy, fast, and visual.

It is not as if the manga is the end or useless. This is because watching an anime series is easier for most people than reading manga.

9. The number of anime shows on legal streaming sites will double

Crunchyroll (and others) invest more time and energy in adding their anime content.

I had a hard time figuring out how many anime programs Kerchornroll shows. But I'm guessing it's between + 00 ++ shows on their site.

The catalog of their anime programs will be at least doubled by the end of 201. The same could be true for sites like Hulu that also stream anime.

Of course, the number of animes for free streaming sites has tripled or quadrupled without a hitch.

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